Sunday, June 26, 2011

Abraham McBride

No authentic documents have been found, that I am aware, that show Abraham is the father of Jesse C, Mary Jane, Pleasant M, Isaac Litt, Abraham, and Thomas Anderson McBride. However, my reasons for believing he is their father are:

1. Abraham is shown in Wilson County, Tennessee on the 1804 Tax Lists. Also, listed there are James McBride listed in Capt. Cannon's District. (The first list of taxpayers in Wilson County was divided by captain's companies; these were commanded by Kanah Fakals (Elkanah Echols), William Lancaster, Elisha Dillard, Solomon Harpole,and James Anderson.

2. There are several Abraham McBride's in the family which leads me to believe they were named after their grandfather.

3. To be continued.


  1. Way back before I ever had a computer at home, I used the public library's computer. Research was very limited at that time but I found a cousin, once removed named Larry Johnson. Over the years, I have met him in person. He has been to my home in Utah and I have met him in Texas where he lives.

  2. Cousin Larry is the great grandson of Thomas Pleas McBRIDE and his first wife, Julia Ann MAY. I am the grandaughter of Thomas Pleas and his second wife, Ora Arty DAWSON MCBRIDE. Larry has been working diligently on the McBride research. Now, with DNA, he is trying to get us farther back past Abraham. He, just this week started a facebook page titled McBride DNA. We have been working together on this line but he has done so much more than I. If any of you McBride cousins are reading this, please leave a comment. Thanks!
